The Jackie Evancho Guestbook -

This website is not affiliated with, associated with, authorized by or in any other way officially connected with Jackie Evancho.
This is an unofficial Jackie Evancho fan website.


Please sign the guestbook.

I would like to know what you think about this danish Jackie Evancho fan website. So please share your thoughts or impressions, and leave your comments in guestbook, so I can share your thoughts with other visitors. I'm very greatfull for your feedback, so please sign the guestbook.
Kind regards
Bo ~ Webmaster

Sherry Low, Belgium - 28 august 2024 : Dear webmaster, I just wanted to thank you for keeping this website updated through all these years. I've been a fan of Jackie for many years now and it's always great to find old and new content in one place. I hope you had a nice summer holiday, and wish you all the best. Take care and be happy. Best regards, Sherry

Sascha Schafer, Germany - 12 may 2024 : The new EP Solla is great. I hope the songs are up too a CD will be released.

Bernard Roubin, France - 4 may 2024 : Hello from France. Congratulations for all the work accomplished, this site is the bible for all Jackie fans. Don't stop and thank you again.

Lorenzo Peppino, Italy - 14 april 2024 : That is very good news that you will keep this website running. Looking forward for Jackis new album.

Bernard Roubin, France - 15 march 2024 : Bravo for the work done on this site, it is complete, pleasant and well organized. Real fan work! Above all, keep going!

Shay Vogler, USA - 29 february 2024 : Hello! Thank you for this website! It has helped me hear the lyrics to the songs she has performed over the years with the lyrics page and it has also helped me with some writing assignments for school. Thank you!

Bernard Roubin, France - 11 february 2024 : Bravo for the magnificent work you are doing on Jackie. Please continue!

Bruce Desautels, USA - 1 february 2024 : I've followed Jackie since 2012 - when I first saw her perform on AGT, quite accidentally and mostly out of curiosity. I was perusing song on YouTube - and this little blonde girl in a hot pink dress caught my eye on the sidebar ... I clicked on it, and doing so changed my life. Jackie Evancho could sing the NYC phone book and I would listen to every word. You just cannot help but to appreciate her talent and her honesty. It does not matter what genre of music she sings, because she always gives her best. It was sort of surreal to "grow up" with Jackie - and now, of course, she has blossomed into a very beautiful young woman. Always will be a fan. Love you, Jackie.

Sal Staunton, USA - 31 january 2024 : Please keep up the fabulous work! Jackie is fantastic! Followed her since 2011...

Xiao Mao, USA - 26 january 2024 : Please don't abandon the website.

Trinh Li, USA - 11 january 2024 : I'm sorry you're not getting more traffic. I don't think it's because people don't like Jackie anymore. It's more likely because they just don't know you're here. I only stumbled on this site by accident.

Christer Pedersen, Denmark - 10 january 2024 : Please Please. Keep updating this website. I'm pretty sure that the Jackie Evancho fans will miss this website, when they discover that is it gone. Please consider it again.

G. Ober, Germany - 6 january 2024 : Your site is the best and most detailed site about Jackie on the web. It's not that interest in the site is missing, but rather that interest in Jackie seems to have been lost. There could be many reasons for this. Jackie is a very likeable young woman with great singing talent, but her development and releases in recent years have disappointed and caused disinterest in many of her former fans. A pity!

Sheila Johnson, Sweden - 2 january 2024 : Please keep your website updated. I'm sure that so many people will miss it. There are no where on the Internet, where you can find so much information about Jackie Evancho than on your website. Please consider updating this great website in the future.

Richard Hamilton, USA - 2 january 2024 : Your website is indeed very comprehensive - and appreciated. It would be a shame to let it get too out of date; but at the very least, it would be of value to keep the site available indefinitely, given how much is collected here. At present, most fan sites that are truly fan sites and not just controversy valuing discussion sites, are rather quiet. That may change at least sometimes as there are new releases, etc. While some value discussion for discussions sake, others (like me) prefer to exchange (non-intrusive) information, rather than opinions, and those of that mindset may well be silent when there is nothing to say; that does NOT indicate lack of interest.

Sherry, Belgium - 2 january 2024 : I visit this website on a regular basis. I think it's great to find so much content about Jackie in one place. Please don't stop it and keep going. But whatever you decide, I want to thank you for creating and updating this website over the years.

Norbert J, Austria - 31 december 2023 : The best Jackie Web-Site since she popped up at AGT. Please, keep going!

Ronald Barley, United States : I received her new album 'Carousel of Time' and found it nice but no new sounds or material here, it will not help her career IMO, her health is a main concern seeing her too thin of body, she does not look good to me, hope she get well in time.

Sonja Müller, Germany : This Jackie Evancho fan website is just amazing. All you need to know about Jackie, you will be able to find here. You have music videos, interviews from radio and television, lyrics, wallpapers and always the latest news. There is not a better fan website on the intire internet. My depest respect for all the hours and hard work that you have done to make this the best fan website for Jackie Evancho.

Michael Maxfield, United States : I have been following JME since November 2011. I think this is the best overall JME website that I have ever viewed. I will be back on a regular basis. Of all the songs she does, there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, like watching her sing Nessun Dorma in person.

Ronald Barr, United States : Very nice to see information about this lovely person with lovely voice for fans, thank you.

Patricio Cruzat, Brazil : Hi. I've been following your site for years and accessing it sporadically. I just want to congratulate you for your amazing work. Good job. I hope Jackie, overcoming her trobles, will continue her brilliant career.

Long Zhang, China : Thank you for giving us such amazing songs with your stunning & unique voice!.

John Small, England : You have done well for Jackie. For me, I think she has gone in the wrong direction. Her voice was made for classical, trying to sing pop, it's awful. The beauty in her voice has gone for me.

Jack Harris, Canada : I just love this site, please don't take the page down. Personally, I think that the Evancho's should get you as there webmaster, and use your page as the officiel website for Jackie. Your website is so complete, and it is so much better, than anything I have seen from Jackie officiel website over the years.

Bob Lindner, United States : Please don't take this site down. It is the most complete and I love it.

Tim Pertler, United States : PLEASE keep updating this site.

Norbert Jobstmann, Austria : The best fan page on the web. Please, keep the excellent work you do for Jackie and her fans. Best regards from Vienna.

Leslie MacKeen, United States : I am so happy you were blessed with such a beautiful voice. I sit and enjoy your music after my stressful day!. I love listening to you, thank you for sharing your gift with the world. P.S. I had a great time watching you on the masked singer, you had me fooled till you took off your mask. God Bless you !.

Philip Crane, United Kingdom : Uniquely traces Jackie's career over the years. A brilliant and worthwhile website. Thanks, and keep it up.

Raul Cisneros, United States : Your site is awesome! Thanks so much!.

Carola Blomquist, Sweden : Thank you for the hard work and dedication. Keep it up and stay safe!.

Alberto Monticelli, Italy : I thank you for the wonderful work you do. It is difficult to find better. You're the best for Jackie. Thank you.

Sabrina Wilson, United States : Do awesome !! I have nothing but respect for this young woman Jackie Evancho. God speed.

Raul Cisneros, United States : Awesome website. BIG THANKS. This is the best website about Jackie that I've seen, by far.

David Platts, United States : Wonderful website. My best wishes for Jackie, she has introduced me to so much wonderful music and many great singers. My thanks to David Foster for helping her along.

Jordan Nash, United States : Congratulations on creating and maintaining a website of which anyone could and should be proud.

Roger Phillips, United States : Thank you for all your hard work in developing, and maintaining this incredible Jackie fan site. I love everything about Jackie, as an unbelievable talent, and a wonderful person. Her music takes me away from this sometimes harsh World we live in, and brings peace to my life. Thank you Jackie.

Ron Bar, United States : Very nice site, many of Jackie's forums are closing for what ever reason , i hope you continue good effort here.

Philip Crane, England : Excellent site. Provides an insight into the person behind the voice. Jackie comes across as a thoughtful and considerate person with positive and principled ambition.

Curtis Etheredge, United States : Your website is amazing! Thank you so much for your time and effort you have put in to this website. Thank you for providing Jackie fans such a great resource.

Emmanuel Paris, France : Jackie Evancho's voice unknown in France, alas. Fortunately, there's Spotify. The first time I heard her voice, was a great day for the Spotify user I am. Long life to you, dear Jackie Evancho.

Steven Max, Panama : What a nice website. You can virtually find everything about Jackie.

Bob Linder, United States : Wonderful site. Very complete and well organized. One video missing 23/4-2011 Tiny Desk Concert.
(Added, thanks for the info ~ Bo)

Fahed Moqayad, Palestine : Great effort Jackie, Go Ahead.

Yasuto Nozawa, United States : Thanks for establishing this beautiful and coherent website. It is really well thought out and a real tribute to Jackie.

Jeffrey Rosenstein, United States : Very nice site for her loyal fans, thank you.

Michael Corden, United States : What an extraordinary resource you have put together. My appreciation is without bounds. I am sure it will become a treasured source for many in the coming years as Jackie's career continues to develop. You have clearly put in a lot of thought and work into this, and the task will only grow as Jackie gains more fans and the increasing attention of critics, institutions and the media. Should you at some point consider that you can no longer maintain this site, please arrange somehow for its availability in perpetuity and hopefully for some responsible organization to continue adding to this tremendous archive.

Ben Surbana, United States : Your website is beautiful! Thank you for giving fans of Miss Evancho such a fine resource for news and music.

Tim Pertler, United States : I love the website. I have all but Prelude to a Dream cd's.

David Massaglia, United States : You have done an incredible job documenting Jackie's history and organizing the material in a very user-friendly format. Thank you for the time and effort you have put into this website. May God bless you and bless Jackie in the years ahead.

Bob Lindner, United States : You have created a masterpiece. The organization of the entire site is well thought out and executed. I have found information here that does not appear on other websites I have visited. I come here often and have shared your link with many others giving you high praise. Keep up the good work!.

Steffi Peters, Germany : Wonderfull website. The best Jackie Evancho site.

Peter Hanson, United States : Wow, what a fantastic fansite for Jackie you have made. It is just amazing with all the information you have collected about Jackie, like videos, lyrics, radio interviews and so on. And thanks for including my video for 'Danny Boy' into you website.

Tom Martin, United States : I think that your website of Jackie is the best. Having HD now is just another plus you have added. I'm sure Jackie appreciates the hard work you have devoted to her. Also I am pleased you have stayed with her during these troubled time. Keep up the great work you are doing with your website and star.

Norbert J, Austria : Excellent page, on of the best.

Alec Ludlow, England : Its the same thing in England, not many people know about Jackie. I applaud your efforts in making this fan site for the good people of Denmark. You are doing a fine job. Jackie is the finest singer I have ever heard and I judge her against all the great names I've listened to for the past 60 plus years. She deserves massive recognition for the pure talent she has. It gives me so much pleasure to listen to her CDs and watch her DVDs and videos. This year I made the trip to the USA just to see her sing (2 concerts). She was fabulous! Let us hope that she will one day perform in Europe. I would be happy to make the trip to Paris, Copenhagen, Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin or wherever! Best wishes from the UK to DK.

Debbie T, New Zealand : Thank you so much for this website. It is amazing and I find myself coming on here frequently. I love it and find it very helpful. Hope you will keep this website going. Jackie is a wonderful human being, she is fantastic. Jackie is an amazing girl and I am a big fan of her, being exactly 2 weeks younger than she is :) She has inspired me to be confident of my own singing and to make covers of her songs.

Brittany Tanner, United States : I am a huge fan of Jackie Evancho, and I was so excited to find this website. Thank you so much for creating it. I love how organized it is, and how many different things there are to see on here. I've never seen one place with all Jackie's interviews, information, news, and song lyrics. I'll definitely be visiting it again.

Sonny Moon, United States : Thanks! Best organized, most complete, highest quality collection of photos and videos of Miss Evancho yet.

Joe Foster, United States : Your web site is a wonderful tribute to Jackie. I have been to 4 of Jackie's concerts. When Jackie has more time to travel, you will be rewarded when she comes to your country to perform. Your site is as good as any I have visited and I belong to several fan sites in the USA. I enjoyed the visit very much. Thank You.

Sebastian Walker, United States : What a fantastic site you have build up with Jackie. The best site on the web with Jackie. Good job.

Anthony Gurule, United States : My wife and I first became aware of Jackie in 2011 when we saw her sing on a DVD, David Foster & Friends "Hitman Returns" and then bought CD 'Dream With Me' from Amazon. Now we have all Jackie's CD/DVD's except 'Prelude to A Dream'. Will get 'Awakening' DVD when available.

G.Ober, Germany : Gratulation! Beste Jackie site on the WEB.

Bruce Macintyre, United States : This is a well-done site (as one would expect from a Dane). I tweet and comment on facebook for Jackie Evancho (being a lunatic fan) and I'm going to mention your site so other fans find it.

Marc Roes, Holland : I saw Jackie four years ago in AGT. She is very special. Fan for ever.

Chris Hoover, United States : A fantastic site, does Jackie honor. Very much like your organizing by year. Hope you keep it up!.

Yongbin Sun, Germany : What a beautiful, well-organized and very informative website for Jackie. Thank you for your effort.

Francis Legeness, United States : What a fantastic site this is for info on Jackie. Your hard work is very much appreciated. Many thanks. Her voice is so beautiful and soothing to me. Best wishes for her continued success.

Roland Schwarz, Germany : I cant believe it. The best fan site of our singing Angel is from Denmark. Very big thanks from germany for this wonderful site. Jackie is best singer ever and make us all dream. Go Jackie go.

Peter Tai, United States : This is a wonderful website that follows Jackie Evancho, a remarkable young prodigy. Thank you. I found this website when I was looking for the most accurate set of lyrics of Jackie's just released CD "Awakening". I've never been a fan of any performing artist, until I saw her on AGT. Jackie is one-of-a-kind and simply amazing!!.

Helge Bremer, Germany : Loved Jackie from the very first time I heard her sing! Sounds like an angel, soo beautyful.

Bruce Desautels, United States : Your website is FANTABULOSO! So glad to have discovered this treasure trove of all things Jackie! Thank you.

Jay Zondi, Philippines : Congratulations and thanks so much for your fantabuloso website to share appreciation and celebration of the precious gift that Jackie is. More power to you and all persons of good taste and goodwill who support Jackie.

Achim Strau, Germany : I am so greatful for your Website. Please, please continue. Jackie Evancho is the only artist I am really a fan of. Greetings from Germany.

Johan Smith, Mozambique : You must be one of gods most beautiful flowers. People in Africa almost don't know of your existence. Your voice is one of the most clear that I have ever heard and you must be doing your parents and country very proud. I wish you all of success for your already bright feature. Best regards from your fan club in Mozambique.

Jacob Steiner, Germany : This is one of the best fan sites for Jackie worldwide.

Song Mao Qiu, China : Hello, I come from China, I the in the British talent show, hear your songs, I Heartbeat, you are my goddess, single cycle to hear your song, listen to not greasy, your voice is very wonderful, I hope you go all the way, stick to it, a lot of the album, I would grab first listen, refueling. Welcome to Chinese!.

Bruce Macintyre, United States : This is a very lovely and informative site.

Craig O'Brien, United States : Exceptional website dedicated to the Beautiful Jackie Evancho. The greatest voice ever. Thank you for all the info, videos, pictures, etc. I love this site.

Gerd Petersen, Denmark : You have made a fantastic website and I am deeply impressed of all the material you have found. Jackie is great, I get goose bumps, tears in his eyes, and getting quite weak at the knees when I hear Jackie sing, and I have purchase all of Jackie's CD/DVD that has been released.

Patricio Cruzat, Brazil : Being an extreme fan of Jackie, I reached your site from the JEFC. Fantastic files! Videos and images. Congratulations.

Debbie Duke, United States : Loved Jackie from the very first time I heard her sing.

Jorge Marcello, Argentina : The first time I saw you I felt in love, a granpa love. You was a little child of ten years old with an incredible mature and sweet voice. I closed my eyes and imagined myself listening an angel singing in the sky. Your enchanted face, your sweet and innocent smile and the bright of your blue eyes will be ever in my mind, but I have to say that it's a pity you are growing, because I'm losing a child to find a beautiful woman in a few years. But I never will forget your babe image of ten years old. Thank for let me enjoying so marvelous and amazing voice. I will be your fan for ever.

Poul Dal, Denmark : The little lady is fantastic. Why is she not mentioned in the Danish press?.

Sebastian Anders, Canada : Happy to know that more and more people love Jackie, and her music.

Edward Arken, United States : I've been a fan from the start! Jackie Evancho sings and the tears start flowing. It's nice to see your website featuring Jackie. Thanks.

James Wood, United States : Any site that is positive about Jackie is on my good list. Thank you.

Craig O'Brien, United States : From an astonishingly cute little girl to a stunningly beautiful young women who someday will be known as the greatest singer all time. And on top of that, she is the kindest, most sincere, most genuine soul I've ever known. Thanks for another great Jackie site.

Roy, United States : Not much to say except WOW. Jackie is the best of the best. Ever.

Christian, Denmark : Hey all. The little girl has the best voice, that is so wild. I am a 23 year old, and is not normal that young men of my age listens to something like this. But her voice goes right into the heart. Would it not cool if we can get her to Denmark to make a concert.

Gary Bird, United States : Love the website. Love that it is dedicated strictly to Jackie. She is very special. I am glad the website is not diluted with other new singers coming up, but ONLY to Jackie. Bravo. Great job. Keep up the great work.

Jim Gardiner, Northern Ireland : Many congratulations on a wonderful fan site, by far the best Jackie Evancho site I have seen. I enjoy visiting this site every day. Congratulations and thank you for sharing.

Kim Lariviere, Canada : Voice of an angel. Great site. Great to have another great Jackie Evancho site.

Ana Ausfeld, Paraguay : Great site. I love to be here. Jackie deserves to be known around the world! Go Jackie. Go Evangels. Love you site. Soo good. Thank you.

Robin D. Bermanseder, Australia : Thank you for creating this website. Jackie has a beautiful voice that can change the world. Her fame will only grow over the coming years.

Kasper Krintel, Denmark : Woooov. So I have just become Jackie Evancho fan. This girl has a voice of a megastar. I will follow her in the future, for sure.

Alec Ludlow, France : I am thrilled to find this website. I am so glad you are doing great work spreading the word about Jackie in your country. Your site is high in quality - congratulations! I'm English but living in France where much work remains to tell everyone about our superstar.

Ronald Fry, Canada : Very good work! Jackie has so many great songs.

Nanna Sander, Denmark : Never thought I would find a Danish Jackie fansite. Great site! Very complete.

Gordon, Canada : This site is simple to understand, and its' simplicity makes it very attractive. The fact that you have included English language makes it very easy to recommend a visit by worldwide Jackie fans. Thanks for a great job.

Claude Papastock, France : I just discover your site tonight. Congrats! Many photos, videos, wallpapers and other information about Jackie. I'd like to find the same in France and in French. Thanks.

Karsten Wiingreen, Denmark : Jackie is a unique girl with a very big voice, I followed her all the way and recorded most everything on my radio/television, and I can't get tired of listening to her.

Wayne Walker, United States : I was delighted to discover the Danish fan site. Love the layout and especially the gallery. It SILL amazes me to see the broad global appeal that Jackie has. There seems to be no culture anywhere in the world that isn't moved by her sweetness, beauty and, of course, THE VOICE.

Kathlene Jensen, United States : Love this site and Jacqueline Marie Evancho is Perfection.

Francoise Martire, France : This website is fabulous and for me the best of the web. Jackie is so beautiful on the pictures! The videos are pretty good. It is a pleasure to visit it.

Bob Strand, United States : I love your website! I will recommend your website to others. Thank you.

Maury Yannick, France : Hi everyone, I'm a huge fan of Jackie. I'm living in France. I think she really is the best young singer in the world but she has not the success she deserves.

Steve Fischer, United States : Hi - just checking in from Boston, MA, USA. Great website! Now in with my favorites.

Hans Skytte, Denmark : Is there any information about when Jackie will give a concert in Denmark. I will buy a ticket, no matter the price. she is fantastic. Can she be any better? An angel was born on the 9'th of april 2000. I forgot to write. Thanks for making this website.

Donna Rowe, Canada : Hello. What a wonderful website. This is one of the best Jackie Evancho websites I have ever seen. You have so much information and pictures about Jackie.

Hanne Petersen, Danmark : Hey. Very nice website you have made. Jackie has completly taken my heart.

Birthe Pedersen, Danmark : Great idear with this website. It is a good idear to make a danish Jackie website, she is just wonderfull. And this littel girl, with that big voice. Fantastic.


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This is an unofficial Jackie Evancho fan website
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